ComponentOne GeoDashboard

Built with Wijmo, Esri maps, and AngularJS.

{{}} ({{ | latitude:0}}, {{location.lon | longitude:0}})

No data is available for this location.
Please drag the map to select a mainland location within the USA.
The dominant tapestry
is {{sources.tapestry.values.TAPSEGNAM.value}}.


Total Population: {{sources.populationBySex.values.TOTPOP_CY.value | number:0}}

{{sources.populationBySex.values.PMALE_CY.value | number:1}}%
{{sources.populationBySex.values.PFEMALE_CY.value | number:1}}%
The median age is {{sources.age.values.MEDAGE_CY.value | number:1}} years
The average income is ${{sources.householdIncome.values.MEDHINC_CY.value | number:0}}

The median net worth is ${{sources.netWorth.values.MEDNW_CY.value | number:0}}

{{sources.homeValue.values.NAME.value}}'s median home value is
${{sources.homeValue.values.MEDVAL_CY.value | number:0}} ({{getIndexDescription(sources.homeValue.values.MEDVAL_I.value)}}).
Home Value Index
Household Income Index
Net Worth Index
This application was created using
ComponentOne's Wijmo,
Esri's map widget and data services,
and Google's AngularJS framework.